Browsing Category: Podcast


Episode 9: Early Childhood Education with Dr. Natalie Berberian

If we want a better society, we need to build a better foundation. Few people are in a position to exert more [...]

Episode 8: Armenian Women and Ambition with Guest Dr. Sandra Thomasian

Are Armenian women encouraged to be all that they can be? Do we consciously or unconsciously treat people [...]

Episode 7: Statelessness with Guest Karina Ambartsoumian Clough

What does it mean to be a person with no home country? A stranger in every land. Imagine living your life unable to [...]

Episode 6: Armenian Food with Suzie from Dream Bakery

Food plays a powerful role in human memory. The smell, texture, and taste of a particular dish can instantaneously [...]

Episode 5: Trans Armenian with Guest Rudy Akbarian

The prefix trans in its purest form refers to crossing a boundary, like an ocean, as in the word transatlantic. In [...]

Episode 4: Armenian Coffee Readings with Guest Pauline Harmandjian

One of my all-time favorite ways to connect with people is through sharing a cup of Armenian coffee and a reading! [...]

Episode 3: Being Korean-Armenian with Guest Adina Babaian

Are we limited in our notions of what it means to be Armenian, particularly in the diaspora? Adina Babaian walks us [...]

Episode 2: Coming Out with Guest Ara Babaian

What is it like to be Armenian and gay? Ara Babaian speaks candidly about his experiences as a young immigrant [...]

Episode 1: Culture Shock with Guest Ara Kasparian

It was really exciting to have this opportunity to speak with my father about what it was like for him to come to [...]

Episode Zero: The Introduction

I’ve talked about starting this podcast and what I want it to be so much, that I almost don’t feel an introduction [...]