Browsing Tag: Armenian Enough


Episode 52 – Sexual Assault Trauma & Healing with Aram Ronaldo

There are few life events more damaging to the soul than being a victim of sexual assault and/or rape. Survivors [...]

Episode 51 – Exploring The World of Asexuality with Sarah Elgatian

What does it mean to be asexual? Aromantic? How do people who identify as Ace [asexual] establish intimate [...]

Episode 50 – Managing Anxiety in Children with Dr. Regine Muradian


Episode 49 – On Being African American and Armenian with David Djanikian

In this episode, we explore the experience of being African American and Armenian from a different vantage point [...]

Episode 48 – Armenian Adoption & Brave Love with Mandy Breitenstein

How much would you have to love someone to spend years in their pursuit, travel across the world during a global [...]

Bonus Episode 7 – Equality Armenia with Founder Armen Abelyan

Armen Abelyan, founder of the NGO Equality Armenia, discusses the importance of embracing our LGBTQ community and [...]

Episode 47 – Sustainable Minimalism with Author Stephanie Seferian

Do our possessions foster a sense of happiness and peace or can over-accumulation of material goods itself lead to [...]

Episode 46 – Armenians from Turkey with Tamar Purut

One of the least acknowledged populations in the Armenian community are Bolsahyes or Armenians from Istanbul. [...]

Episode 44 – Spirituality & Metaphysics with Intuitive Energy Healer Ani Carla Kalafian

In the midst of turbulent times, we are confronted with the reality that we neither control nor fully understand [...]

This is LOVE

Over the last several weeks, it has felt like life was threatening to come apart at the seams. Every day was filled [...]