Why Donate?

We LOVE our listeners. And it’s difficult to ask for things, even when they are needed. But let me start by saying, you absolutely do not have to donate. We will still love you just as much.

The podcast is now and will always be free.

All the time, energy, skill, love, and yes, money, has been given freely as well. Podcasting equipment costs us money, though, as do: software, remote recording platform subscriptions, graphic designers, DAWs, backup microphones and professional recording devices, not to mention pins, mugs, t-shirts, FB / IG ads, and professional tech support. I easily spend 25+ hours a week on average producing the bi-monthly shows.

Recently, we experienced a slew of recording problems – each week was a different disaster. I lost sleep. A lot of it. My nerves were frayed.

I felt so embarrassed the day I had to tell a guest that her entire brilliant, spontaneous interview was unusable. I vowed that would never happen again. I purchased a dedicated laptop to use solely for recording along with individual XLR mics and a backup recording system. (I still have next to no control over remote interviews, though. It is what it is.)

I podcast because I love it. And I believe it makes a difference. Armenian Enough is a passion project for me. What I love most is when our listeners tell me how much something they heard touched them or made them see an issue from a different point of view. That’s how I get paid – in fan mail!!!

Additionally, I’m a person who truly enjoys supporting people and projects I think are important. I like the feeling of being a small part of something great that someone else is doing. I like to encourage people who are in pursuit of their dreams. Sometimes, encouragement means being a Patreon donor or buying artwork or other merchandise simply because you want that person to be able to create more and do so more comfortably. That’s why the donation button is there. If you feel in your heart that you want to contribute, then please do. It all goes toward making the podcast better and engaging more listeners. Each one of us can truly change the world.